hostgator coupons EPICA SENSORIUM 1: Green with Envy

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Green with Envy

(Image from weheartit)

Top of my secret wish list this Spring is an allotment,
or at least a vegetable patch in my garden. I think there is nothing nicer than sitting down to a meal involving home grown fruit, vegetables or salads (my grandad grows the freshest tasting salad leaves and makes FRESH peppermint tea).

Is this likely to happen any time soon?
*shakes head*
I fail to look after a pot plant. I was bought a Gerbera last year. It died a rapid and painful death within a week.

I actually have seeds, in the garage, to grow in pots. Tasty things like pumpkin, rhubarb, strawberries...
dare I try and plant them? NO. I just can't take the heartbreak.

(note to self, ask Dad to plant them and claim all success for myself).

Every time a blogger mentions their gardening adventures, or an ex-neighbour brings round a stuffed veg box of home grown goodness I start to turn as green as the produce I've just laid eyes on. Maybe gardening skills will come with age...although memory deteriorates with age and this is my main downfall...
I'd have to set alarms to water the bloody plants.

Maybe this year though will be my year of joy...when I am proudly showing off home grown goodness later on the blog, just don't ask if it was grown by me or some un-suspecting friend/relative. Ignorance is bliss, ok?

How about you? Have you had any joy with growing vegetables?

I've just given myself the worst craving for (home grown) carrot cake.
