hostgator coupons EPICA SENSORIUM 1: Kreativ (apparently I am)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Kreativ (apparently I am)

Ok, shame on me because apart from Sophie and Beth I have lost track of who else passed me this award...please shout if you did and I will add you on!
Thank you all so much, I love reading other people's answers and feel honoured to be nominated myself

*Oscar worthy speech over*

The rules are:

1) link 10 blogs;

2) tell these bloggers about the award;

3) write 10 facts about yourself;

Ok, so lets crack on.

Ten things about me…

1. Please don't judge but I typically wash my hair once a week, twice at a push. I find it really doesn't need more than that, and behaves better this way. Lucky, or plain lazy? I don't care! Thank goodness for Bastiste to keep it smelling fresh!

2. I am a complete child at heart. Matey bubble bath, kids TV, polly pocket, jelly tots...the list goes on.

3. I also like to think I can save the world, anyone having a hard time and I feel gutted I can't fix it for them, but I will always, ALWAYS offer support. It's my little way of paying back the support my family and friends (including you, dear blog readers) have given me.

4. Once upon a time many moons ago my favourite activities were Judo, Kayaking and general outdoor sport madness. I have fond memories of white water rafting on a body board in Austria one summer.

5. I am a foodie. I always have been and always will be I think. I kept it quiet for a while, due to having been ill and people assuming my interest in food stemmed from that. Truth is, I've always loved the stuff. Give me Good Food magazine over Vogue any day.

6. I love fashion, really I do, but for me it's not about the runways and haute couture. Highstreets and real people inspire me more; seeing clothes on real people and knowing that price wise, they are more within my grasp is much more endearing. Saying that, I will happily drool over runway images and editorials..but purely for dreaming purposes, I never aspire to own the latest from Chanel in the way I do the new arrivals in Topshop or New Look.

7. I drink stupid amounts of coffee in a day...8 plus cups. I must be immune to the caffiene though as it doesn't boost my energy or give me sleeping trouble.

8. My heart belongs to American candy. And their snack foods in general. The UK cannot compare...especially cereal bar wise.

9. I go through phases of only eating, or liking certain things. Greek yoghurt, smarties, certain TV programmes, certain teas, certain clothes. And then BAM, I want nothing to do with them anymore. The exception to this being my addictions to both tights and greek yoghurt.

10. I will be 24 next month and still don't know what I want to do when I grow up. Do I care? Right now I am happier and healthier than I have been in 9 years and I plan to live in the moment and embrace every second of it!


I cannot possibly pick just a few bloggers to pass this on to,

so I pick you ALL!

Gratuitous cat paparazzi picture for your time!

Happy Saturday xoxox