hostgator coupons EPICA SENSORIUM 1: BBC's Sian Williams in 'I'll quit' ultimatum over move to Salford

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

BBC's Sian Williams in 'I'll quit' ultimatum over move to Salford

By Paul Revoir

The BBC is facing huge embarrassment after it emerged TV breakfast host Sian Williams will quit her role instead of moving north with the show.

She has decided not to uproot her family and will remain in London as BBC Breakfast moves to the new state of the art studios in Salford Quays.

The corporation’s plans to move the programme are in crisis with fears that Miss Williams will not be the only one quitting rather than make the move.

Susanna Reid has yet to publicly commit to the relocation and former Strictly Come Dancing winner Chris Hollins is also likely to leave the show and there are also question marks about stand-in Louise Minchin.

Last night sources suggested Miss Reid, 40, may end up replacing Miss Williams as the show’s main female presenter.

Of the established presenters Bill Turnbull, 55, is the only one known to have signed-up to the process and staff have until midnight tonight (Weds) to finally decide.

With masses of backroom staff also likely to leave the show the BBC is faced with massive disruption and a complete revamp of one of its most successful shows all in the name of making the corporation less ‘Londoncentric’.

While Miss Williams, 46, has until the end of the day to inform BBC bosses of her plans yesterday sources revealed she has indicated she will not go.

In crisis: Miss Williams departure could prompt exits from other members of the breakfast team

Her agent also effectively confirmed her departure by saying it was ‘not about Salford’ but about a ‘decade of getting up before the dawn chorus’.

He said: ‘We’ve been talking to the BBC for the past six to nine months about potential new roles where she doesn’t need to use her alarm clock quite so frequently.’

BBC News chiefs are now believed to in discussions with her about what new roles might be available for her to take on.

There are also suggestions she could be given a more broad mix of presenting duties which could see her moved onto a show like Crimewatch. Last night there were also rumours that rival channels ITV and Channel 4 could try to poach her.

It is understood Mr Turnbull decided to move with the show ‘through gritted teeth’ and has also expressed reservations about the wisdom of the move.

The BBC had tried desperately to keep mother of four Miss Williams, 46, on the show as her and Mr Turnbull have struck up a popular presenting partnership on the programme.

There is still an outside chance as a last minute compromise she could agree to present the show for a very limited period from Salford when it moves next year.
But long term her career on the show is coming to an end.

Miss Williams has long voiced concerns about moving BBC Breakfast to the MediaCityUK site in Salford – warning last year that family considerations would take priority.

She said at the time: ‘If I had no ties it would be a much easier decision to make....There are lots of people to consult before I make up my mind.

‘It's a great patch with great people and I'd head back in an instant. I have four children to consider in this though - one of whom is likely to be in the middle of A-levels during the move. My father, recently widowed, lives in the south east.'

The presenter has two sons with her first husband Neale Hunt. She married former BBC producer Paul Woolwich in 2006 and has a son and daughter with him.

Her on-screen colleagues have also raised concerns about the move, which was sprung on BBC Breakfast staff after bosses discovered they had more available space than they thought at the new base.

BBC Breakfast's sports presenter, Chris Hollins, 40, has also spoken out about the move.

He said in a recent interview: ‘What is most disappointing is that I don't think [the move] is an economic decision or an editorial decision; it's merely a political decision.

'It doesn't take a brain surgeon to say that it will be practically impossible to get the Prime Minister on set, as we do at the moment.'

Louise Minchin, 42, who also works for the News Channel and The One Show, is also expected not to renew her contract on the show.

Brain drain: Host Louise Minchin works for both BBC Breakfast and The One Show is also expected not to renew her contract on the show

BBC Breakfast has enjoyed a successful few years – regularly pulling in audiences in excess of 1.7 million. It often has more than double the viewing figures of ITV rival Daybreak.

More than 2,300 staff are moving to the new Media City site which is expected to cost £877 million to build and run.

It is part of a wider BBC plan to meet proposed quotas for half of all programming to be made in the regions by 2016 to prove it is not London-centric.

Executives have pledged that in the next five years 50 per cent of the programming budget will be spent outside the capital and have already started migrating top shows.

But it requires sending staff and guests who live in London around the country as well as building new sites – and will cost the licence fee payer in excess of £1 billion.

Critics have accused the BBC of ‘geographical correctness’ and wasting public money in trying to show that the licence fee is relevant to everyone.

The relocation of staff to Salford has come under particular criticism because many senior executives involved in the move, have opted not to live in the region.

BBC North director Peter Salmon and Radio Five Live controller Adrian Van Klaveren were criticised after it emerged that they will initially rent a flat at licence-fee payers expense near the new base at Salford Quays rather than move.

The BBC refused to comment.
