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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Body Double Claims Natalie Only Did 5% Of The Dancing In Black Swan

I love Black Swan, i was so happy when i saw the trailer that finally some little nbit artistic film not one of the million which based on the visual effects....crashing a whole city, yes okay like R.E. Afterlife...absolutely loved...future rock: Tron love but many many visual effected B category - bored the crap out of me so i was glad to hear: Black Swan, and i hate to agree what i ve pretented that S-O not true, but time reveals everything and Natalie s duoble says the white-black truth!
BUT: who care if the in those moments was a professional?? For God Sake: Portman played a teenager girls amd she did it perfectly, and did you saw her body????? I think she did enought to her Oscar!!!
Earlier this week, Portman’s fiance Benjamin Millepied had this to say to the LA Times: “It was so believable, it was fantastic, that beautiful movement quality. There are articles now talking about her dance double [American Ballet Theatre dancer Sarah Lane] that are making it sound like [Lane] did a lot of the work, but really, she just did the footwork, and the fouettés, and one diagonal [phrase] in the studio. Honestly, 85% of that movie is Natalie.” And now Lane is all like, “Ummmm…no.” In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, she fights back:
"Of the full body shots, I would say 5% are Natalie. All the other shots are me. The shots that are just her face with arms, those shots are definitely Natalie, but that doesn’t show the actual dancing. They wanted to create this idea in people’s minds that Natalie was some kind of prodigy or so gifted in dance and really worked so hard to make herself a ballerina in a year and a half for the movie, basically because of the Oscar. It is demeaning to the profession and not just to me.
I’ve been doing this for 22 years…. Can you become a concert pianist in a year and a half, even if you’re a movie star? I mean, from a professional dancer’s standpoint, she doesn’t look like a professional ballet dancer at all and she can’t dance in pointe shoes. And she can’t move her body; she’s very stiff. I do give her a lot of credit because in a year and a half she lost a lot of weight and she really tried to go method and get into a dancers head and really feel like a ballet dancer."