hostgator coupons EPICA SENSORIUM 1: 'She's a singer right?' Cheryl Cole's US hopes dealt a new blow as Jennifer Lopez admits she 'doesn't know much about her'

Monday, March 28, 2011

'She's a singer right?' Cheryl Cole's US hopes dealt a new blow as Jennifer Lopez admits she 'doesn't know much about her'

By Sara Nathan and Liz Thomas

Snub: Jennifer Lopez has admitted she'd never heard of Cheryl Cole in a new interview

Jennifer Lopez has dealt Cheryl Cole’s hopes of hitting the big time in the US a blow after admitting she doesn’t know much about the British singer.

Miss Cole is poised to take a role on the American version of The X Factor which Simon Cowell is launching later this year, but executives are worried the star simply does not have a high enough profile.

Show insiders said that the 27-year-old Girls Aloud singer is set to take a role on the new programme in a multi-million pound deal but there has been some anguish about whether viewers will know who she is or be able to understand the Geordie star’s accent.

Miss Lopez, 41, who is a judge on rival show American Idol, has now twisted the knife by admitting she knows very little about Miss Cole and was not even sure what she did for a living.

‘Someone mentioned [Cheryl] to me yesterday,’ Miss Lopez told Fabulous magazine.

‘She is a singer, right?

‘I don’t know much about her and I don’t know her music. But I would be happy to learn about it.’

Miss Lopez comments will underline concerns that British singer will struggle to make a success or carve a career in the US.

Hopeful: Cheryl, pictured at the Prince's Trust awards in London last week, is set to appear on the US X Factor

Giving her a role on his new American version of The X Factor is a gamble for Cowell – who is determined that the show will be a hit.

He so far only formally named one judge to appear on the panel - record executive and music producer Antonio ‘L.A.’ Reid.

He has helped launch the careers of stars including Mariah Carey, Pink, Rihanna, Kanye West and Justin Bieber.

Lewis Hamilton’s girlfriend – singer Nicole Scherzinger, Katy Perry, Mariah Carey, rapper Nicky Minaj and George Michael have been among the names also touted to join.

Rival: Lopez is a judge on rival program American Idol

Auditions for the series began today with around 18,000 hopefuls descending on Los Angeles in a bid to become a star.

Cowell has a difficult task ahead of him as rival show American Idol which has big name stars Miss Lopez, Randy Jackson and Aerosmith’s Steve Tyler on the panel, remains the most watched programme in the US pulling in as much as 30 million viewers an episode.

Cowell, 51, used to be a judge but quit to launch The X Factor there.

The winner of the show will receive a Sony Music recording contract worth $5 million - which is far higher than the £1m deal offered on the British show.

Not famous enough for US TV? Jennifer admitted she didn't know Cheryl's music but 'would be happy to learn about it,' but her ignorance underlines X Factor producers' concerns

Miss Lopez , who has a music and merchandise empire worth £150 million, said joining the judging panel on American Idol had boosted her popularity.

She said: ‘I think it is helping to show people the real me for the first time. It’s funny because I always knew that person was there - it’s just that no one else did!

‘I guess I was always a character, either with a script in a movie or performing a song on the stage, and people never saw the human side of me. Now viewers can see that I’m emotional and passionate and human.’
